
Oncode Institute embraces an overarching valorization strategy to accelerate translation of new insights in cancer biology into tangible applications for patients, society, and the broader oncology community. This innovative approach is based on integration of state-of-the-art science and proactive valorization. Results from basic research are actively mined for potential breakthroughs in cancer diagnosis and therapy. A dedicated team of experts and a unique valorization toolbox help pave the way for those inventions to ultimately reach clinical implementation.

Key to Oncode Institute’s valorization strategy are the partnerships with its partner institutes, formalized through affiliation agreements that grant Oncode Institute the exclusive right to manage and commercialize the intellectual property rights developed by Oncode Investigators and their teams. This effectively means that over 700 Oncode Researchers work together to execute a single strategy focused on beating cancer, with proactive support to bring their inventions to patients and society. Activities related to Oncode Institute’s valorization strategy are executed by the Valorization Team – an international team comprising six business developers, an in-house patent attorney, an IP analyst, a fund manager, a valorization coordinator, and a data entry operator. The team has access to dedicated funds for intellectual property protection, technology development, clinical proof-of-concept studies, and a seed fund for company creation.

Oncode Institute key valorization achievements in 2023


Clinical Proof of Concept proposal approved


license/option agreements


early Health Technology Assessment finalized

Validation of new discoveries 

Each Business Developer manages a group of Oncode Investigators and is the first point of contact for investigators and their associated research group. This enables proactive early identification of potential inventions from research discoveries and timely activation of suitable valorization channels. In addition to timely identification of potential inventions, appropriate...


Partnering to create impact

Collaboration, from fundamental research and discovery all the way to clinical development and implementation, is fundamental to Oncode Institute’s strategy. At all stages of innovation, finding the right partners – academic, clinical or commercial – is essential to efficiently translate...


Achieving clinical proof-of-concept

Oncode Institute aims to connect fundamental and clinical research and drive efficient translation of promising research findings into novel treatment strategies and diagnostic methods. The Clinical Proof-of-Concept (CPoC) fund was established established to support (pre-)clinical investigation of promising...


Driving inno­vation through company creation 

The Oncode Oncology Bridge Fund (OBF), managed by Oncode B.V., is an investment fund of €7.2M that provides pre-seed capital to commercially viable enterprises originating from within the Oncode research community to support translation of their research ideas into attractive investment opportunities.


Affordable and Sustainable Health Care

Oncode Institute is dedicated to contributing to the affordability and sustainability of cancer care solutions. It does so by leveraging its expertise and position in the valorization value chain and striving to implement all feasible measures that are within its capabilities to promote affordable and sustainable healthcare. This includes providing education and creating awareness, managing dedicated funds and programs aimed at supporting research that focuses on reducing...


Collaboration in person

Valorization in person

Outsmarting cancer

impacting lives