
Collaboration drives the creation of synergies and connections across disciplines, as well as venturing in new directions. Oncode Institute believes it is essential to accelerate innovation and breakthroughs in science and valorization. Vital to its ambition to achieve scientific and clinical impact, collaboration is therefore integrated into every aspect of the institute's strategy and operations.

Under the Oncode Institute umbrella, 12 partner institutes across the Netherlands are connected, providing researchers with a nationwide network of scientific and clinical experts, and access to facilities, technologies, materials, models, (anonymized patient) data, and samples. Oncode Institute also invests heavily in building a collaborative research community, both among the Oncode-affiliated research groups and the broader oncology research community, by providing multiple platforms for interaction. These range from larger-scale annual meetings and conferences, to small-scale, focused technical seminars and workshops, as well as dedicated meetings where scientists and patients can meet. They also include the coupling of research teams to patients and patient representatives. Furthermore, Oncode Institute participates in or initiates large consortia in joint program grant applications with partners across Europe and the wider oncology sector. Through its Industry Engagement program, the Valorization Team proactively engages with industry players in the global life sciences sector to identify opportunities for public-private collaboration.

Oncode Institute key collaboration achievements in 2023


patients & representatives, and 13 research groups in the Patient Perspective program


new collaborative research projects with industry partners initiated


of publications available with open access

Driving research collaboration

Fostering a culture of openness and sharing, Oncode Institute enables researchers to engage in cross-disciplinary collaborations with different research groups, clinicians, patients, institutes, and public and private organizations. It encourages its researchers to establish new collaborations with partners beyond their own established networks – within as well as beyond Oncode Institute, nationally and internationally...


Engaging Patients

Cancer patients and oncology researchers are inherently linked, but rarely meet. Both patients and researchers are deeply affected by cancer but in very different ways. Bringing patients and researchers together provides an opportunity for researchers to access first-hand knowledge of patient perspectives and improve...


Engaging Society

In close collaboration with KWF, Oncode Institute initiated the Major Donor program, aimed at engaging those interested in Oncode Institute’s vision and providing opportunities to contribute to its mission. Ultimately the program aims to raise additional funding to allow the institute to expand its activities and execute its...


Engaging Industry

Collaboration with industry is critical to addressing cancer care’s most complex challenges and advancing the uptake of scientific findings for further development toward clinical application. Promoting interdisciplinary public-private partnerships with industrial partners is therefore an integral part of Oncode Institute’s strategy. With its Industry Engagement approach, Oncode Institute aims to...


Science in person

Collaboration in person

Outsmarting cancer

impacting lives