
Reflecting on 2023: a year of consolidation and change, with excellence, collaboration, and impact at the core of our institute.

You can read the Dutch version of the preface here.

Putting all the pieces together to create a wholistic view of the achievements of an entire year of hard work is always an exciting moment. It is also a moment that invites reflection and looking ahead. But first, looking back, 2023 has been a pivotal year for Oncode Institute. It marks the start of phase 2 of this unique initiative and the ending of a long period shaping the conditions for Oncode Institute’s second 5-year term. The achievements in 2023 point to a year of growth, but also a year of important decisions and new directions. It was for certain a year marked by significant strides in science, collaboration, patient-centric and societal impact.

In 2023, we saw significant changes in our research team, with a number of Oncode Investigators leaving and new investigators joining to strengthen the Oncode Institute family. We are very proud of the fact that we were able to invite 10 truly talented young investigators to join the Oncode Institute family as a result of the generous donations we received, and with that a new partner institute (AMOLF). Together, they add a wealth of new knowledge and potential to our ranks.

We are equally excited in having formed a new management board during the year, transferring the baton of Scientific Director and Head of the Institute from Geert Kops to Jan Paul Medema in October, and seeing Melvin Samsom take over as Chair of the Supervisory Board. We look forward to further embarking on the Oncode adventure together. With a firm foundation built over the past years and solid expectations for a bright future, the best is yet to come.

A highlight of 2023 was the launch of the National Growth Fund ‘Oncode Accelerator’ program by our sister organization, Oncode Accelerator foundation. We are excited about the potential of Oncode Accelerator and watching the joint Oncode brand grow and evolve by combining our strengths to make even more impact.

"A highlight of 2023 was the launch of the National Growth Fund ‘Oncode Accelerator’ program by our sister organization, Oncode Accelerator foundation."

Scientific excellence has always been at the core of our Institute, and 2023 was no exception. The cutting-edge research coming out of our Oncode Investigators’ laboratories not only advanced our understanding of cancer, but also opened new avenues for future diagnostics and therapeutic interventions. Every study published, all the data shared, and every new breakthrough reinforces our commitment to advance science for the benefit of patients. To this end, 2023 was shaped by our intensified focus on patients. Recognizing that the ultimate goal of our research is to improve patient outcomes, we have made efforts to involve patients more in our work and ensure their voices are heard. The generally increased interest in patient perspectives is encouraging, signaling a broader recognition of the importance of patient-centric approaches.

And, of course, 2023 was a year of expanding and strengthening collaborations, whether with academia or industry, at national or international level. Contributing to the large European UNCAN initiative is one example we are proud of, which we aim to continue in a new phase. We have set the groundwork for international partnerships that we are eager to expand on, as they hold the promise of broadening our impact.

Looking back and putting all the pieces together creates a portrait picture of 2023 – a year to be proud of. Looking forward, we have so much more to be excited about. We are highly confident that our scientists will continue to generate groundbreaking insights and use the infrastructure and support of Oncode Institute to perform disruptive science. We will further emphasize the need to escape the borders of a single discipline or the walls of a single institute and intensify collaboration with fellow investigators, clinicians, and corporate partners. We will step up our efforts to valorize groundbreaking research, supporting clinical proof-of-concept studies, joining forces with external parties and creating new ventures. Oncode Institute is in excellent shape, one that we can be truly proud of. But the never-ending need to improve in order to benefit cancer patients does not allow us to be complacent. We regard the achievements of 2023 as an important steppingstone in our mission to achieve impact.

Oncode Institute Managing Board

Jan Paul Medema

Head of Oncode Institute & Scientific Director

Chris De Jonghe

Valorization Director