Oncode at-a-glance

Throughout 2023, Oncode Institute continued its efforts to create impact and capitalize on the structures and activities initiated in previous years as demonstrated by the scientific, collaborative and valorization achievements described in this report. Scroll through some of our highlights below.

 A vote of trust: Oncode Institute to continue its mission

Early in 2023, it became official: Oncode Institute received the support of its core funders to continue its work. Reason to celebrate, which we did by creating a Special Edition of our flagship Digital Magazine and through a special event.​​​​​​​

New Scientific Director and Head of the Institute

An end marked a new beginning in 2023, with the transfer of baton of Scientific Director and Head of the Institute from Geert Kops to Jan Paul Medema in October.​​​​​​​

2023 in Collaborations

In 2023, we organized 9 events and workshops to build community and drive collaboration. We established 29 new collaborative projects, with a total value of 27,4 million. Of these, 20 are public-private collaborations with industry partners, ranging from fundamental research to clinical proof of concept studies. We also saw the formal launch of the National Growth Fund ‘Oncode Accelerator’ program, by our sister organization Oncode Accelerator foundation,  and the successful completion of the large EU-funded project UNCAN.eu.​​​​​​​

Ten New Talented Junior Oncode Investigators Join the Oncode Family

In May 2023 we launched the Jr OI recruitment call. Thanks to the generous donations made through the KWF-Oncode Major Donor Program, we were able to invite ten new talented Oncode Investigators to join the Oncode family starting 2024, that bring a variety of expertise and new knowledge. ​​​​​​​

Patients at the Core: the Patient Engagement Program

In 2023, we put increased focus on patients, engaging and bringing them closer, seeing growth in patient participation. The events organized through the program played a crucial role in this. ​​​​​​​

The Major Donor Program

Through the KWF-Oncode collaborative Major Donor Program, we actively reached out to society, organizing events to raise awareness of our work and raise funds to enable us to do all that is needed to achieve our mission. ​​​​​​​

From Innovation to Impact

With 27 new disclosures and 3 new TechDev projects to validate new technologies, 2023 showcased the power of pro-active valorization and unique tools. Jeroen de Ridder and his work on Sturgeon is one successful example, which was covered in both national and international media. ​​​​​​​