About Oncode Institute

Oncode Institute is an independent research institute dedicated to realizing breakthroughs in the understanding of cancer and translating them into clinical practice for the benefit of cancer patients. The institute is founded on three pillars: Excellent Science, Collaboration, and Valorization – together creating impact. The institute unites >700 researchers at 13 partner institutes, all dedicated to achieving the same mission: To accelerate breakthrough discoveries and speed up their translation into new diagnostics and treatments for cancer patients.

Our Partner Institutes


Partner Institutes

Our Funders

Our partners

Oncode Institute is financed by the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF), together with the Netherlands Ministries of Economic Affairs & Climate (EZK); Education, Culture & Science (OCW); and Public Health, Welfare & Sport (VWS) through ZonMw, as well as the topsector Life Sciences and Health (Health~Holland). Oncode Institute is proud to be partnered with the following university medical centers (UMCs), universities, and research institutes across the Netherlands: Amsterdam UMC, Erasmus MC, Sanquin, Hubrecht Institute, Leiden University, Leiden UMC (LUMC), Netherlands Cancer Institute, Princess Máxima Center, Radboudumc, Radboud University, UMC Groningen (UMCG), and UMC Utrecht.

Organizational structure

Oncode Institute operates as a ‘virtual institute’, with a small team of staff providing general management, program management, valorization, and support services to all affiliated researchers and a scientific team of Oncode Investigators and their research groups who are employed at Oncode Institute’s partner institutions. Oncode Institute’s staff are guided and supported by its boards and committees, as depicted in the presented figure.

Oncode Institute Governance structure. BD = Business Development; CAB = Clinical Advisory Board; Comms = Communications; CoRe = Community and Research support; IAB = International Advisory Board; Inst Rel = Institute Relations; RMC = Research Management Committee.

Meet the 2023 team

Oncode’s team of dedicated professionals facilitates the collaborative effort of 52 oncology research groups across the Netherlands (expanded to 62 research groups in 2024).

Meet the Management Team

Jan Paul Medema*

Head of Oncode Institute & Scientific Director

Chris De Jonghe

Valorization Director

Geert Kops**

Head of Oncode Institute & Scientific Director

Ian Bell

Head of BD & Licensing

Ester Frische

Head of Community & Research Support

Edwin Heijne

Head of Finance

Veerle Fleskens

Head of Institute Relations

Meet the Community and Research Support Team

Marlinde Smit

Programme Manager

Colette ten Hove

Programme Manager

Gerdien Mijnheer

Grant Officer

Mariëlle Harlé

Event Manager

Meet our Valorization Team

Alexander Turkin

Business Development

Amber Liu

Business Development

Saharla Ahmed

Business Development

Yuva Oz

Business Development

Harma Feitsma  

Business Development

Emil Pot

Patent Attorney & Business Development

Valentina Palacio Castañeda

IP Analyst

Mariëlle Veldhuizen

Business Coordinator


Boca- Eichner

Data Entry Operator

Shobhit Dhawan

Fund Manager

Veerle Fleskens

Business Development

Meet the Communication Team



Communication Manager

Elize Brolsma**

Project Communication Manager

Vesna de Jong**

Digital Communications Manager

Meet the Major Donor Team

Lianne Bogers    

Major Donors

Wendy Nagel

Major Donors @ KWF

Meet our General Support Team

Soumela Kasperiouk

Management Assistant

Saawan Sanchit

Financial Controller

Marco Wagner

Finance Administrative Officer

Tracey Faasse**

Financial Controller

Loukie van Luik**

Finance Administrative Officer

Manouche Hetzler


* Current, installed in 2023
** Part of the year 2023

Valorization in person

Outsmarting cancer

impacting lives

Key performance

Outsmarting cancer

impacting lives