We hope that when we look back at 2021 in five years from now we can safely say it was the last year we faced the hard consequences of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. Compared to 2020, the good news was that research activities in our labs across the country could continue in a relatively normal way. Of course, meeting each other - and thereby stimulating unexpected collaborations - was still very much hampered. We’re therefore quite proud that we still managed to get together over 1250 participants at 8 different meetings in 2021. And there is more.
2021: Running at Full Capacity
If we had to pick one word to describe Oncode’s 2021, that word would be ‘productive’. We now can truly see that the engine is running and that our approach bears fruits. Our eight technological facilities are fully operational, the number of scientific publications (co-) authored by Oncode researchers grew to 443 and 78% of those were published in open access journals. In 2021, our valorization team has managed to close 249 research related agreements with industry partners, has supported our researchers with nine license agreements and launched two new Oncode spin-off companies.
Enough numbers. Let’s zoom in on a specific example which showcases all aspects of our approach to outsmarting cancer and impacting lives. In the fall of 2021, the first Oncode therapeutic entered into a phase 1 clinical trial. Within three years we went from a scientific publication to clinical application of a therapeutic vaccine targeting non-small cell lung cancer.
A milestone to be proud of and it underlines our mission to accelerate translation of innovative oncology research.
"When we have to pick one word which can capture the year 2021 for Oncode it would be productive"
With Oncode Institute’s 4th annual report - we invite you to read up on the progress we have made on our three pillars: excellent science, collaboration and valorization. Next to updates on all our running programmes and activities, we make our impact even more tangible through three insightful stories. You will get to know more about the great science of our junior Oncode Investigators Jop Kind and Laura Heitman, what it meant for Madelon Maurice to launch a start-up and how Bas van Steensel experienced setting up one of the first collaborative Oncode Accelerator Projects. Enjoy reading and as always: we like to hear from you!
Oncode Management Board.