In the News

Oncode researchers are featured regularly in the (national) media. This shows that their hard work goes beyond the interest of the Oncology community. We are proud of how our Oncode researchers are able to explain their science to the general public. On this page we share the highlights of their media appearances.

25 - 1 - 2020

In-depth interview
Sarah Derks 

Some subtypes of gastric / oesophageal adenocarcinomas are responsive to immunotherapy and others aren’t. Why? - Oncode Investigator Sarah Derks (Amsterdam UMC, VUmc site) explains all about this in an in-depth interview for Immunoncologie magazine.

12 - 12 - 2019

A Scientist’s Optimistic View 

Part of a series of six interviews with six top scientists - Oncode Investigator René Bernards (NKI) talks to the Financieele Dagblad about progress and changes in cancer research and his view on what the future of battling cancer will look like.

22 - 1 - 2020

Decoding the mystery of snake venom

Researchers from Oncode Investigator Hans Clevers’ group at Hubrecht Institute in collaborations with others - including Oncode Investigators Anne Rios and Alexander van Oudenaarden - developed a method to grow snake venom gland cells as organoids. These lab-grown mini glands produce secrete active toxins found in snake venom and can be maintained in the lab indefinitely. This new technology promises to reduce the devastating impact while at the same time exploit the secrets of snake venom. The research has been published in Cell last month.

6 - 12 - 2019

A Woman with a Mission

Newspaper NRC interviews Oncode Investigator Karin de Visser about the workings of immunotherapy, its use against breast cancer and the roots of the calling and motivation behind her work.

5- 12 - 2019

T-cells as weapons against lung cancer

An insightful interview with Oncode Investigator Monika Wolkers in newspaper Het Parool about her work on T-cells, their effectiveness in battling lung cancer and how Oncode Institute adds value to her research.

7 - 11 - 2019

Oncode Investigator Sjaak Neefjes wins the Josephine Nefkens Award

Out of the box thinker, passionate and socially oriented – is how the jury praised Oncode Investigator Sjaak Neefjes who was recently awarded the prestigious Josephine Nefkens Award for cancer research. The popular Dutch TV show De Wereld Draait Door invited him on the show the evening before receiving the award.

22 - 11 - 2019

The value of open science

ZonMw’s magazine Mediator features Monique de Boer’s research on molecular abnormalities in children’s leukaemia and the value and challenges of implementing the practice of open science in the form of transparency, accessibility and traceability of data.

23 - 10 - 2019

Mapping metastatic tumours’ genetic information

Oncode Investigator Edwin Cuppen talks to newspaper NRC about his new publication in Nature of his research mapping the complete genetic information of the metastatic tumours of thousands of Dutch patients, the sum of it creating a large database opening new possibilities for avoiding unnecessary treatments and applying personalized ones instead, leading to better results.

10 - 10 - 2019

Predicting response to chemotherapy

According to Oncode Investigator Emile Voest’s research – published in Science Translational Medicine - patient-derived organoids can be used to predict a colorectal cancer patient’s response to chemotherapy. In this NRC interview he details the mechanisms behind this specific type of testing.

Outsmarting cancer

impacting lives


Outsmarting cancer

impacting lives