In the News
Oncode researchers are featured regularly in the (national) media. This shows that their hard work goes beyond the interest of the Oncology community. We are proud of how our Oncode researchers explain their science to the general public. On this page we share the highlights of their media appearances.

11 - 11 - 2021
DNA Repair is slowing down aging
Oncode Investigator Jan Hoeijmakers is quoted in Volkskrant in an article about the genetic advantages of a redfish species that can live up to 200 years. In Hoeijmakers' view, these findings add to the growing pile of evidence that DNA repair plays an important role in slowing down aging.
Read the article in Volkskrant
17 - 11 - 2021
7 million euros to investigate why cancer is coming back after treatment
Oncode Investigator Alexander van den Oudenaarden is interviewed by MedNet about the new PERSIST-SEQ consortium. This consortium will investigate why cancer often comes back after treatment and then becomes resistant to the treatment that was successful in the first place. As project lead of the PERSIST-SEQ consortium, van den Oudenaarden describes the role of Oncode Institute in this project.
16 - 11 - 2021
A vaccine for lung cancer patients
An extensive interview with Oncode Investigator Sjoerd van der Burg on the start of a new clinical trial of a vaccine against non-small cell lung cancer was featured in the newspaper AD. The vaccine teaches the immune system of lung cancer patients to recognize and clear tumour cells. The vaccine was developed by van der Burg and colleagues at the LUMC and Erasmus MC.
30 - 11 - 2021
Less radical treatment for vulva cancer
Zorgkrant writes about a new Oncode Clinical proof of Concept project by Oncode Investigator Sjoerd van der Burg. He will focus on less radical treatments for vulva cancer. Vulva cancer is becoming more common in young women. With a grant from Oncode Institute, he and his team will investigate the effect of the less invasive checkpoint-inhibitor immunotherapy.
Read the full article in Zorgkrant
17 - 12 - 2021
Whole genome sequencing
Oncode Investigator Emile Voest talks about the benefits of whole genome sequencing. He describes how this can help determine standard and experimental treatments for cancer patients.
Read the full article in Plus Magazine
02 - 02 - 2022
Hans Clevers starts new position at Roche
Oncode Investigator Hans Clevers appeared on the Dutch TV Programme Op1 to talk about his switch to the Swiss biopharmaceutical company Roche.
11 - 01 - 2022
Promising treatment
Zorgkrant writes about Oncode Researcher Julie Nonnekens receiving the Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). The grant will be used for her research on targeted radionuclide therapy for cancer, a promising treatment for metastatic cancer.
08 - 02 - 2022
Launch Laigo Bio writes about Oncode Institute and ArgoBio launching Laigo Bio: a targeted biotech for protein degradation with programmes in oncology and neurological disorders. Oncode Investigator Madelon Maurice is the Principal Investigator for this biotech.
Read the full article in