
Innovative discoveries pave the way for advancements in cancer treatment. I stepped into this new role within Oncode Institute two months ago, with the primary goal of accelerating the clinical valorization of discoveries. That is Oncode Institute’s promise, and it’s also my commitment.  

Jan Paul Medema

Head of Oncode Institute & Scientific Director

Bringing Oncode to the Next Level: My Commitment is Driven by Passion 

Oncode Institute’s strength lies in the remarkable team of talented researchers within the institute, and that is not limited to the investigators but extends to their entire teams. And with the recent appointment of 10 new Oncode Investigators, our ranks became even stronger. We bring together an enormous group of talented researchers that not only are interested in their own research, but see the benefit of collaborative efforts. Combined with our proactive valorization team this has fueled the success of our first five years, positioning Oncode as a collective force. 

"Working in science is a tapestry of experimentation, failed attempts, and resilience."

Ours is a concerted effort. We are doing this together. It is important to realize that this stretches further than an Oncode Institute effort, but something we do together with our partners. Oncode Institute is a collaborative effort. We do create something that is unique, but this is made possible by our partners, funders and institutes, and Oncode Institute wouldn’t be here without them. There is shared commitment and ownership, and our successes should be viewed as shared successes.

Reflecting on our journey through the first five years of our existence, we've made significant strides, and the next five years demand a concerted effort to reach the next level and prove the efficacy of our approach further. For that we will take an even more proactive approach, involve our Clinical Advisory Board and align with clinical leads, and link research and what our Oncode Investigators are currently doing with unmet clinical needs. We want to look at all the pre-clinical knowledge we obtained, and look beyond the usual borders, identifying potential leads for clinical translation.  

What fuels my commitment to this work is an unwavering passion for science. Working in science is a tapestry of experimentation, failed attempts, and resilience. Doubts may surface at times, but failure is an inherent part of the scientific journey. And it's the passion for finding answers and solutions that keeps me going.

My journey wasn't always rooted in cancer research. Childhood dreams of becoming a professional football player were quickly replaced by a more realistic career path, and that opened the way for following my curiosity to understand how things work. The importance of questioning and understanding is something that was instilled in me by my family at an early age, and has been a guiding principle throughout my scientific life.

In both football and science, teamwork is paramount. Just as a successful football team requires top players, science thrives on the collaborative efforts of great researchers. While Dutch culture often values a level playing field, success does lay in selection and this is what Oncode has done. Eventually, the unique contributions of individuals form a cohesive whole that will lead to success.

I am excited about the transformative impact we can collectively achieve. The journey ahead is challenging, but with our dedicated team, innovative strategies, and a shared commitment, we certainly are bound to fulfill our mission. 

Photography by Marloes Verweij, Laloes Fotografie

Outsmarting cancer

impacting lives

