Oncode at-a-glance
Oncode began activities in February 2018 and steadily grew to become a fully operational institute. Throughout 2018 we laid the foundations for achieving our mission: outsmarting cancer, impacting lives. Our work is based on three pillars: sc
ientific excellence, collaboration and valorization. Get to know our principles and some quick facts and figures below.A network of excellence
We are a ‘virtual’ institute. Our community is based at Dutch universities, research institutes and hospitals.
In 2018, we welcomed three new partner institutes, bringing the total number to twelve.
Our diverse scientific leadership
Our founding scientists laid the foundations and worked tirelessly to make Oncode Institute a reality.
With gratitude to our founding scientists, a new generation took over. Geert Kops was appointed as our new Scientific Director, supported by a diverse Research Management Committee.
Growing our scientific community
Oncode Institute brings together brilliant minds in molecular cancer research throughout the Netherlands.
During the course of 2018 we grew from 43 to 62 Oncode Investigators, bringing the total number of Oncode researchers to more than 800.
Navigating uncharted territories
To stimulate curiosity-driven research, our 62 Oncode Investigators receive base funding to stimulate high-risk, high-gain projects.
“Oncode funding was used to support the development of synthetic dendritic cells and synthetic immune niches. These were two very high-risk projects, because the proposed structures have never been tested in vivo” says Oncode Investigator Carl Figdor.
Translating fundamental insights
We recruited a diverse team of Business Development experts to help translate fundamental science into benefits for patients and society.
Based on the single-cell sequencing capabilities and expertise of the Hubrecht Institute, one of the first signs of success was the launch of our first spin-off company – Single Cell Discoveries.
Collaboration instead of competition
We streamline all our efforts through a unifying research strategy, with six scientific themes.
To stimulate collaboration and bring our researchers together, we organized our first Annual Conference and three Scientific Theme meetings.
Investing in affordability
Medical innovations are only useful when access for patients is guaranteed. With our Affordable Health Care programme we aim to contribute to a sustainable future for cancer care.
Together with ZonMw we set up a funding call to support projects looking into precision diagnostics and drug repurposing.
Creating synergy with clinicians
Because impacting lives means efficiently translating fundamental findings to the clinic, Oncode invests heavily in collaborating with clinicians.
With dedicated funding and expert support, we launched our clinical Proof of Concept programme and selected six translational projects for funding.
Seeking the perspective of patients
Oncode aims to bring the world of fundamental science closer to the everyday reality of patients.
With the addition of patient representatives to both our Clinical Advisory Board and Supervisory Board, we have strengthened the ‘voice of the patient’ in our institute.
Meet the team
Oncode has a team of dedicated professionals in place to organize the collaborative effort of 62 oncology research groups accross The Netherlands.
The general support team works in the fields of science policy and culture, people and development, communications and collaboration, and finance and operations to help Oncode to fulfil its mission. The team consists of the following people: