Communication Highlights
The Oncode communications team is responsible for all communication to the Oncode research community and to external audiences such as funders, partners, media and other stakeholders. Via Oncode’s communication channels such as newsletters, digital magazines, our website, and social media channels, the team shares exciting stories about Oncode Researchers and their findings with the world.
Oncode’s Digital Magazine & glossy Annual Report – our flagship publications
In 2022, the communication team published 2 issues of Oncode’s digital magazine and one issue of the Annual Report. The magazines each featured duo interviews, including with Oncode Investigator Hans Clevers in dialogue with clinician Miriam Koopman (March edition), and clinical oncologist and Chair of the Advisory Board, Henk Verheul in dialogue with Sipko Mulder from the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (October edition). They also included extensive stories on the work and ambitions of other Oncode Investigators such as Jop Kind, Laura Heitman, Titia Sixma and Lude Franke. In addition, we published a glossy version of our Annual Report of 2021, making the overview of our previous year’s efforts publicly available, focused and easy to read.
World Cancer Day: focus on patients
For the 4th of February – World Cancer Day – the communication team produced a video, mixing interviews with patient partners and our researchers, discussing their experiences and the importance of Oncode’s Patient Engagement Programme.
Oncode’s top news
Our teams’ efforts focus on spreading the news about some of our important events and milestones. Our top news in 2022 included the announcement on our strategic alliance with Cancer Research UK, the 325 million euros grant awarded to Oncode-PACT to accelerate the pre-clinical development of cancer drugs, as well as valorization stories such as the launch of spin-off company Laigo Bio and the creation of spin-off company Simmunext.
Research highlights
Our researchers regularly publish in top scientific journals. Jos Jonkers, Louis Vermeulen, Anne Rios, Jacco van Rheenen, Geert Kops and Wilbert Zwart are some of the Oncode Investigator who’s research we highlighted in 2022.
Science art prize
Every year, Oncode Institute organizes its Annual Scientific Meeting, with the goal to connect researchers from different institutes. During those events, we also organize a science art prize, because science doesn’t just bring forward important findings, it also creates exciting images. The idea is that a lot of work that happens in the lab never sees the light of day, while some of it is truly beautiful. We actively invite researchers to share their best lab images with us. Here’s the video of the 2022 edition.
Events, awards & grants
Great events? Awards or grants won by our Oncode Investigators? We’re proud and want to make sure the world knows about them. From the European Society of Medical Oncology Congress in Paris to our flagship Annual Meetings and our fully booked Masterclasses, we made sure no event is forgotten. In 2022, Ruben van Boxtel received the international NYSCF Robertson Stem Cell Investigator Award, Marvin Tanenbaum and Michiel Vermeulen were given the prestigious EMBO membership, Miao Ping Chien, Rebekka Schneider, Tineke Lenstra and Monique Mulder received VIDI grants and Monique Mulder received VIDI grants, and Ruben van Boxtel and Hans Clevers won the Ammodo Science Award.